nanome.util.enums module

class AtomRenderingMode[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Shape types an atom can be rendered as.
To be used with atom.atom_mode
Adaptive = 6
BFactor = 5
BallStick = 0
Point = 4
Stick = 1
VanDerWaals = 3
Wire = 2
class ColorScheme[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Color schemes for all structure representations.
To be used with plugin_instance.apply_color_scheme
APF = 15
BFactor = 3
BFactorAF = 16
Chain = 6
Chothia = 14
DonorAcceptor = 7
Element = 4
Hydrophobicity = 11
IMGT = 12
Kabat = 13
Monochrome = 9
Occupancy = 2
Rainbow = 5
Residue = 1
SecondaryStructure = 8
YRBHydrophobicity = 10
class ColorSchemeTarget[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Structure representations.
To be used with plugin_instance.apply_color_scheme
All = 3
AtomBond = 0
Ribbon = 1
Surface = 2
class ExportFormats[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

File export formats.
To be used with plugin_instance.request_export
Nanome = 0
PDB = 1
SDF = 2
class HorizAlignOptions[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Horizontal alignment modes for text.
To be used with ui.Label().text_horizontal_align and ui.Button().horizontal_align
Left = 0
Middle = 1
Right = 2
class Integrations[source]

Bases: nanome._internal.enums.CommandEnum

Integrations available to connect to your plugin.

Some integrations have multiple hooks to connect to. See nanome._internal.enums.Integrations for more details

analysis = 8
calculate_esp = 2
export_file = 4
export_locations = 5
generate_molecule_image = 6
hydrogen = 0
import_file = 7
interactions = 9
minimization = 3
smiles = 10
structure_prep = 1
class Kind[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Bond types.
To be used with bond.kind and elements of bond.kinds
Aromatic = 4
CovalentDouble = 2
CovalentSingle = 1
CovalentTriple = 3
Unknown = 0
class LayoutTypes[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Orientation modes for Layout Nodes.
To be used with ui.LayoutNode().layout_orientation
horizontal = 1
vertical = 0
class LoadFileErrorCode[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Errors when loading files into Nanome.
Accessible via the first parameter of the ‘done’ callback for plugin_instance.send_files_to_load
loading_failed = 1
no_error = 0
class NotificationTypes[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of user notifications.
Each value exists as a method on nanome.util.Logs
error = 3
message = 0
success = 1
warning = 2
class PaddingTypes[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

UI padding types.
To be used with ui.LayoutNode().padding_type
fixed = 0
ratio = 1
class Permissions[source]

Bases: nanome._internal.enums.CommandEnum

An enumeration.

local_files_access = 0
class PluginListButtonType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Buttons on the plugin list, modifiable by the plugin itself.
To be used with plugin_instance.set_plugin_list_button
advanced_settings = 1
run = 0
class RibbonMode[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Ribbon display modes.
To be used with structure.Residue().ribbon_mode
AdaptiveTube = 1
Coil = 2
SecondaryStructure = 0
class ScalingOptions[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Ways for an image to scale.
To be used with ui.Image().scaling_option
fill = 1
fit = 2
stretch = 0
class SecondaryStructure[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Secondary structure types.
To be used with structure.Residue().secondary_structure
Coil = 1
Helix = 3
Sheet = 2
Unknown = 0
class ShapeAnchorType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Object type to anchor a Shape to.
To be used with shapes.Shape().anchors
Atom = 2
Complex = 1
Workspace = 0
class ShapeType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of shapes that can be created within Nanome.
Used internally
Label = 2
Line = 1
Mesh = 3
Sphere = 0
class SizingTypes[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Ways in which a Layout Node can be sized within a UI layout.
To be used with ui.LayoutNode().sizing_type
expand = 0
fixed = 1
ratio = 2
class SkyBoxes[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Preset skyboxes to show in a Nanome room
To be used with
Black = 3
BlueSkyAndClouds = 0
BlueSkyAndGround = 2
Graydient = 5
Sunset = 1
Unknown = -1
White = 4
class StreamDataType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Stream datatypes.
Used internally
byte = 1
float = 0
string = 2
class StreamDirection[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Stream directions (reading and writing).
Used internally
reading = 1
writing = 0
class StreamType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Object attributes and sets of attributes that can be streamed to Nanome.
To be used with plugin_instance.create_writing_stream and plugin_instance.create_reading_stream
color = 1
complex_position_rotation = 4
label = 3
position = 0
scale = 2
shape_color = 6
shape_position = 5
sphere_shape_radius = 7
class SubstructureType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The types of Substructures that can be parsed from a Molecule.
Ligand = 2
Protein = 1
Solvent = 3
Unkown = 0
class ToolTipPositioning[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Ways in which a tooltip can appear on top of its Layout Node.
To be used with ui.Button().tooltip.positioning_target
bottom = 5
bottom_left = 4
bottom_right = 6
center = 8
left = 3
right = 7
top = 1
top_left = 2
top_right = 0
class VertAlignOptions[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vertical alignment modes for text.
To be used with ui.Label().text_vertical_align and ui.Button().vertical_align
Bottom = 2
Middle = 1
Top = 0
class VolumeType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Volume types visible within a complex.
To be used with _internal._volumetric.VolumeData()._type
cryo_em = 3
default = 0
density = 1
density_diff = 2
electrostatic = 4
class VolumeVisualStyle[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Ways that a complex’s volume can be displayed.
To be used with nanome.api.volumetric.VolumeProperties()._style
FlatSurface = 1
Mesh = 0
SmoothSurface = 2